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Fred Benenson <address@hidden>
Date: Mon, Jul 25, 2011 at 19:22
Subject: [FC-discuss] ACLU Technologist Gig
To: Discussion of Free Culture in general and this organization in particular <
Hi Free Culture,
Wanted to pass along this awesome ACLU gig in case you guys didn't already see it through the regular channels:
Here's a clip of their overview:
TECHNOLOGIST / Senior Policy Analyst [SPT-04]
American Civil Liberties Union Foundation
Speech, Privacy and Technology Project, NY
The Speech, Privacy and Technology Project is part of the ACLU’s Center for Democracy, which works to strengthen democratic institutions and values, including the values of government transparency and accountability, and to reinforce the United States’ commitment to human rights and the rule of law. The Center for Democracy includes, in addition to the Speech, Privacy and Technology Project, the Human Rights Project and the National Security Project.
The Technologist will be responsible for staying abreast of technological developments that have potential consequences for civil liberties, identifying new and emerging civil liberties concerns, and advising ACLU staff on technological matters. The Technologist will also communicate with the public, in writing and through media interviews, about issues relating to new technology.
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