---------- Forwarded message ----------
Deborah Nicholson <address@hidden>
Date: Thu, Sep 8, 2011 at 13:02
Subject: [Womeninfreesoftware] Software Freedom Day in the Boston Area
To: "Discussion re: increasing women's participation in free software" <
Hi all,
If you're in the Boston area, join us on September 17th! Please
forward this announcement to local folks/lists, thanks!
Software Freedom Day is a free-of-cost, community-oriented event being
held in Cambridge, Massachusetts at 1000 Massachusetts Ave, from 10am
- 5pm on September 17th. The goal of the event is to help people in
the Boston area recognize and join existing local free
software-related communities. If you've been trying to learn more
about free software generally, or have been wondering how to build up
your free software project, this event is for you!
Máirín Duffy from Red Hat and Fedora is our keynote speaker. Thanks to
the Free Software Foundation, Cambridge College and Open Invention
Network for their sponsorship! More details here,
womeninfreesoftware mailing list