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Re: [Lilypond-auto] Issue 4567 in lilypond: Documentation: \partial cann

From: lilypond
Subject: Re: [Lilypond-auto] Issue 4567 in lilypond: Documentation: \partial cannot be used with zero duration
Date: Mon, 17 Aug 2015 13:16:12 +0000

        Labels: -Type-Documentation Type-Defect

Comment #4 on issue 4567 by tdanielsmusic: Documentation: \partial cannot be used with zero duration

There is more to this than documentation.

Giving \partial a zero argument does work as long as it is not followed by a MM rest - see the original example in the OP marked "%Working example". Following \partial 4*0 with notes or rests works fine, so the simple proposed doc change is not (a) correct nor (b) any help in coding the failing example.

Setting back to Defect, at least until a better explanation is forthcoming.

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