Hi Groups,
few months ago Thoms Morley (found thanks too Google) sent this code, wiche works fine :
\version "2.14.2"
%\version "2.15.20"
music = \relative c' {
\grace { d,16 [des] } c4
\score {
\new Staff { \clef "G_8" \music}
\new TabStaff {
%\revert TabVoice.Flag #'transparent % comment in with "2.15.20"
\layout {
\context {
graceSettings = #`((Voice Stem length-fraction .5)
(Voice TabNoteHead font-size -4)
(Voice Beam beam-thickness 0.1))
Now I would like to understand this :
music = \relative c' {
\grace { d,16 [des] } c4
\score {
\new Staff { \clef "G_8" \music}
\new TabStaff {
\revert TabVoice.Flag #'transparent
\layout {
\context {
graceSettings = #`((Voice Stem length-fraction .5)
(Voice TabNoteHead font-size -4)
(Voice Beam beam-thickness 0.1))
affect both staff and tabstaff grace notes (see *3.png)
BUT, when thickness is increased :
music = \relative c' {
\grace { d,16 [des] } c4
\score {
\new Staff { \clef "G_8" \music}
\new TabStaff {
\revert TabVoice.Flag #'transparent
\layout {
\context {
graceSettings = #`((Voice Stem length-fraction .5)
(Voice TabNoteHead font-size -4)
(Voice Beam beam-thickness 0.45))
affect ONLY tabstaff grace notes. (see *4.png)
2) if I change, for example, (beam-thickness . 0.48) to (beam-thickness . 0.58) in the define-grobs.scm file this DOES NOT affect grace notes. (see *5.png)
Thanks in advance