\paper { indent = 0\mm line-width = 160\mm force-assignment = #"" line-width = #(- line-width (* mm 3.000000)) } \layout { } \version "2.14.0" \header { title = "Exemplum cantus b duralis" composer = "Finck" copyright = "NH pour le DSMA Genève" tagline = "NH pour le DSMA Genève" % pour le bas de page } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%% DEFINITIONS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% FICTA ficta = { \set suggestAccidentals = ##t } %%% DEFINITION DE INCIPIT %%% incipit = #(define-music-function (parser location incipit-music) (ly:music?) #{ \once \override Staff.InstrumentName #'self-alignment-X = #RIGHT \once \override Staff.InstrumentName #'self-alignment-Y = #UP \once \override Staff.InstrumentName #'Y-offset = #(lambda (grob) (+ 4 (system-start-text::calc-y-offset grob))) \once \override Staff.InstrumentName #'padding = #0.3 \once \override Staff.InstrumentName #'stencil = #(lambda (grob) (let* ((instrument-name (ly:grob-property grob 'long-text)) (layout (ly:output-def-clone (ly:grob-layout grob))) (music (make-sequential-music (list (context-spec-music (make-sequential-music (list (make-property-set 'instrumentName instrument-name) (make-grob-property-set 'VerticalAxisGroup 'Y-extent '(-4 . 4)))) 'MensuralStaff) $incipit-music))) (score (ly:make-score music)) (mm (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'mm)) (indent (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'indent)) (width (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'incipit-width)) (incipit-width (if (number? width) (* width mm) (* indent 0.5)))) (ly:output-def-set-variable! layout 'indent (- indent incipit-width)) (ly:output-def-set-variable! layout 'line-width indent) (ly:output-def-set-variable! layout 'ragged-right #f) (ly:output-def-set-variable! layout 'ragged-last #f) (ly:output-def-set-variable! layout 'system-count 1) (ly:score-add-output-def! score layout) (ly:grob-set-property! grob 'long-text (markup #:score score)) (system-start-text::print grob))) #}) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% global = { \overrideTimeSignatureSettings #'(4 . 4) % timeSignatureFraction #'(1 . 4) % baseMomentFraction #'(3 1)% beatStructure #'()% beamExceptions \time 4/2 \set Timing.defaultBarType = "'" } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% INCIPIT %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% discantusIncipit = << \new MensuralVoice = "discantusIncipit" << \repeat unfold 9 { s1 \noBreak } { \clef "mensural-c4" \time 4/4 \relative a { a1 b2^\signumcongruentiae b c c a1 r2 } } >> >> bassIncipit = << \new MensuralVoice = "bassIncipit" << \repeat unfold 9 { s1 \noBreak } { \clef "mensural-f" \time 4/4 \relative c { a1 g2^\signumcongruentiae g c c d1 r2 } } >> >> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% NOTES %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% voixSupDiscantus = { \relative a { a1 b2 b c c a1 r2 b2. a4 a1 \ficta gis2_"**" a1 r1 r2 c2 c b c1 a b c2 e2. d4 d2 d2 \ficta cis2_"**" d2. c4 b a c2. b4 a1 \ficta gis2 a2 a b2. c4 b a g1 f2 g1 r2 a2 b b c1 d1 e r2 a,2 a g a1 r1 r2 c2 d d e1 e f2 f d1 r2 c2 c b c1 r2 d2 c2 b a b2. a4 g1 \ficta fis!2 g1 r2 a2 b b g1 a r\longa r2 a2 \scaleDurations #' (2 . 3) { \mark \markup\vcenter\center-column {\musicglyph #"three"} d1 d2 g,2. a4 b2 c c c a a a a1 a2 b2. a4 b2 g1 g2} a1 r2 a2 b b a a1 \ficta g!2 a c b d c b c a1 \scaleDurations #' (5 . 1) {g2^\fermata} } } voixSupCantus = { \relative a { a1 b2 b c c a1 r2 b2. a4 a1 g2 a1 r1 r2 c2 c b c1 a b c2 e2. d4 d2 d2 c2 d2. c4 b a c2. b4 a1 g2 a2 a b2. c4 b a g1 f2 g1 r2 a2 b b c1 d1 e r2 a,2 a g a1 r1 r2 c2 d d e1 e f2 f d1 r2 c2 c b c1 r2 d2 c2 b a b2. a4 g1 f2 g1 r2 a2 b b g1 a r\longa r2 a2 \scaleDurations #' (2 . 3) { \mark \markup\vcenter\center-column {\musicglyph #"three"} d1 d2 g,2. a4 b2 c c c a a a a1 a2 b2. a4 b2 g1 g2} a1 r2 a2 b b a a1 g2 a c b d c b c a1 g2 \scaleDurations #' (3 . 4) {a\longa^\fermata} } } voixInfTenor = { \relative a, { a1 g2 g c c d1 r2 g,2 a1 \ficta bis1_"**" a1 r2 d2 d c d1 c d g, c2 a d1 e d r2 e2 a, d b1 a r2 d2 g, c a a g1 r\longa r1 a1 b2 b a1 r2 d2 c e d \ficta fis! e2. d4 c2 a d1 r2 g,2 c1 d c r2 a2 b1 c d g,2 c a1 g r\breve r1 r2 a2 b b g1 a1 r\longa r1 r2 a2 \scaleDurations #' (2 . 3) { d1 d2 g,2. a4 b2 c1 c2} a2 a r\breve r2 a2 b4 b b2 a a r2 d2 e2 e a,2 a b1 a^\fermata } } voixInfBasse = { \relative a, { a1 g2 g c c d1 r2 g,2 a1 b1 a1 r2 d2 d c d1 c d g, c2 a d1 \ficta ees_"**" d r2 e2 a, d \ficta bes1 a r2 d2 g, c \ficta aes a g1 r\longa r1 a1 b2 b a1 r2 d2 c e d f e2. d4 c2 a d1 r2 g,2 c1 d c r2 a2 b1 c d g,2 c a1 g r\breve r1 r2 a2 b b g1 a1 r\longa r1 r2 a2 \scaleDurations #' (2 . 3) { d1 d2 g,2. a4 b2 c1 c2} a2 a r\breve r2 a2 b4 b b2 a a r2 d2 e2 e a,2 a b1 a \scaleDurations #' (1 . 4) {d\longa^\fermata} } } discantusNotes = { \clef "treble" r1 \transpose e a { \voixSupDiscantus } } cantusNotes = { \clef "treble_8" \voixSupCantus } tenorNotes = { \clef varbaritone r1 \transpose e a { \voixInfTenor } \bar "|." } bassNotes = { \clef bass \voixInfBasse } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% SCORE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \markup { Discantus sequitur Altum post semibreuem in diatessaron } \markup { Tenor sequitur Bassum post semibreuem in diatessaron } \score { << \new StaffGroup = choirStaff << \new MensuralVoice = "discantusNotes" << \global \set Staff.instrumentName = #"D." \incipit \discantusIncipit \discantusNotes >> >> \new StaffGroup = choirStaff << \new MensuralVoice = "cantusNotes" << \global \set Staff.instrumentName = #"C." \incipit \discantusIncipit \cantusNotes >> >> \new StaffGroup = choirStaff << \new MensuralVoice = "tenorNotes" << \global \set Staff.instrumentName = #"T." \incipit \bassIncipit \tenorNotes >> >> \new StaffGroup = choirStaff << \new MensuralVoice = "bassNotes" << \global \set Staff.instrumentName = #"B." \incipit \bassIncipit \bassNotes >> >> >> \layout { %% the next two instructions keep the lyrics between the bar lines \context { \Voice \consists "Ambitus_engraver" } indent = 6\cm incipit-width = 4\cm } }