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Re: Problem with lyrics

From: Carl Youngblood
Subject: Re: Problem with lyrics
Date: Fri, 9 Jan 2004 08:07:48 -0700

Great, thanks for the help! that worked fine. Now I'm having a problem with the extenders. I want there to be a little more space between the extender and the next word. For example, on a measure with two slurred half notes, if I put a word and an extender, the extender goes all the way past the end of the measure and touches the next lyric word in the next measure. I would like it to stop at the end of the measure if an extender ends on the measure, and I would like it to at least leave a little space between the extender and the next word if it doesn't end on a measure. Anybody have any ideas? (I'm using version 2.1.6)

On Jan 9, 2004, at 3:43 AM, Ferenc Wagner wrote:

Carl Youngblood <address@hidden> writes:

After "fear", which starts on an eighth note, I want to
display an extender, but it isn't getting shown, which
causes the rest of the lyrics to be off by one note.
Slur the notes which belong to the same syllabe:

                         cis4 cis8( d) e4 fis4

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