Hi Alb,
if you add \dynamicUp or \dynamicDown to your score you can force the dynaics
to be shown above or below a staff. to revert to the original mode, whre
lilypond is free to choose, you can use \dynamicBoth. See online manual
-- Oorspronkelijk bericht --
Subject: Dynamics
From: Alberto Manuel Brandao Simoes <address@hidden>
To: lilypond <address@hidden>
Date: Sat, 10 Jan 2004 16:19:29 +0000
Reply-To: address@hidden
Dear lilypond users,
I'm writing piano musics, and putting dynamics together with the up
staff. While it appears almost in the right place, it is not placed in
the middle of the two staves (as we are used). Where am I failing?
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\header {
title = "28 melodische Übungsstücke - 2."
composer = "Anton Diabelli"
opus = "Op 149"
mutopiatitle = "28 melodische Übungsstücke"
mutopiacomposer = "Anton Diabelli"
mutopiaopus = "Opus 149-2"
mutopiainstrument = "Piano, Piano"
source = "If I could know..."
style = "Classical"
copyright = "MutopiaBSD"
maintainer = "Alberto Simões"
maintainerEmail = "address@hidden"
maintainerWeb = "http://alfarrabio.di.uminho.pt/~albie"
lastupdated = "2004/Jan/09"
primoUp = \notes {
\time 4/4
\clef treble
\relative c''' {
#(set-octavation 1)
\repeat volta 2 {
e2-3\p( d-2) c-1\<( d4 e\!)
f2-4\p( e4 c) e2-3( d)
e-3\<( f4 g\!) g2-5\>( d-2\!)
c-1\<( d4 e\!) e2-3\f( d)
\repeat volta 2 {
f-4\f( e4\p f) d2-2( e4 f)
g2-5\f( f4\p g) e2-3( f4 g)
f2-4( e4 d) e2-3( d4 c)
d-2\f( g-5 e-3 c-1) d1
e2-3\p( d) c-1\<( d4 e\!)
f2-4\p( e4 c) e2-3( d)
e-3\<( f4 g\!) g2-5\>( f4-4 d-2\!)
c2-1\p( e4-3 d) c1
\bar "|."
primoDown = \notes {
\time 4/4
\clef treble
\relative c'' {
\repeat volta 2 {
e2-3( d-4) c-5( d4 e)
f2-2( e4 c) e2-3( d)
e-3( f4 g) g2-1( d-4)
c-5( d4 e) e2-3( d)
\repeat volta 2 {
f-2( e4 f) d2-4( e4 f)
g2-1( f4 g) e2-3( f4 g)
f2-2( e4 d) e2-3( d4 c)
d-4( g-1 e-3 c-5) d1-4
e2-3( d) c-5( d4 e)
f2-2( e4 c) e2-3( d)
e-3( f4 g) g2-1( f4-2 d-4)
c2-5( e4-3 d) c1
\bar "|."
secondoUp = \notes {
\time 4/4
\clef bass
\relative c' {
\repeat volta 2 {
g'4\p( g, g' g,)
g'\<( g, b-2 c\!)
d-4\p( g, c-3 g)
c-4( g b-3 g)
c-4\<( g-1) g-.-2 g-.-1\!
b-3\<( g b g\!)
c-4\<( g b c\!)
c-3\f( g b-2 g)
\repeat volta 2 {
d'-4\f( g,\p c d)
b-3( g c-3 d)
e-5\f( g,\p d' e)
c-3( g d-4 e)
d-4( g c-4 b)
c-4( g-1 f-3 e-2)
g-1\f( d'-5 c-4 g-1)
\clef treble
g'4\p( g, g' g,)
g'\<( g,) <g g'> <g g'>\!
<d'-3 g>\p g, <c-2 g'> g
\clef bass
c-4( g b-3 g)
c-4\<( g b-3 bes-2\!)
a-1\>( cis-2 d-3 f\!)
e-4\p( g, <b-2 f'-5> g)
{ <g-1 c-3 e-5>1 }
{ <g c e>1 }
\bar "|."
secondoDown = \notes {
\time 4/4
\clef bass
\relative c, {
\property Voice.fingeringOrientations = #'(down)
\repeat volta 2 {
c2-4( f-1
e-2 d4 c)
b2( c4-4 e-2
c,2-5( d4 e f1-2)
e2-1( d4-2 c-3 g2 g')
\repeat volta 2 {
g,( g')
g,( g')
g,( g')
g,( g')
<g, g'>1
<g g'>1
<b b'>2( <c c'>4) <e e'>
<g-. g'> <f-. f'> <e-. e'> <d-. d'>
<c c'>2( <f f'>
<e e'> <d d'>4 <c c'>)
<b b'>2( <c c'>4 e-3 g1-1)
c,-2( <f, f'>)
<g g'>2 <g g'>
\alternative {
{ <c c'>4( g'-2 e-1 c-2) }
{ <c c'>1 }
\bar "|."
% \context PianoStaff \notes <<
% \context Staff = up << \primoUp >>
% \context Staff = down << \primoDown >>
% >>
\context PianoStaff \notes <<
\context Staff = up << \secondoUp >>
\context Staff = down << \secondoDown >>
\paper {}
\header { piece = "Andante cantabile" }
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