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Re: Custom dynamics and D.C.

From: Paul Scott
Subject: Re: Custom dynamics and D.C.
Date: Sun, 18 Jan 2004 11:55:00 -0700
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Alberto Manuel Brandao Simoes wrote:

OOps, I thank you before checking if it worked :)
/home/ambs/Natura/musicvs/lilypond/Diabeli/Op149/7/ error: Have to be in Lyric mode for lyrics:
    s1 s1\f s1

What I have in the lilypond file is:
primoMarciaDynamics = \notes {
    s1\f s1 s1 s1 s1\markup\bold\italic{ p dolce }
    s1 s1\f s1...

\markup requires either -, ^, or _ to indicate either above or below, above, or below. You probably wanted s1_\markup\bold\italic{ p dolce }

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