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Re: Help! Syntax has me completely stumped!
From: |
Andrew Longland-Meech |
Subject: |
Re: Help! Syntax has me completely stumped! |
Date: |
22 Jan 2004 11:10:44 +0000 |
Thanks, Mats (and Kieren) for your speedy response - I think I
understand now - last time I used a global statement it didn't contain
stuff that had to be in a Staff context; and yes, putting the lyrics in
the Staff context was a silly typo that I just couldn't see (Doh!).
I shall now set about re-writing my other source files so they are a bit
more logical!
By the way, I have another question about rehearsal marks. I know this
subject has come up a fair bit recently, but I couldn't find the answer
I was looking for.
In v1.6.10, Lily set rehearsal marks at the beginning of a line in a
nice big, bold face, after the key signature. However, in v2.0.0, it was
much more insignificant and slap bang on top of the bar number. Also
\mark "A"
gave me A, B, C in v 1.6.10 but A, 1, 2 in v2.0.0 so I had to declare
each mark specifically. I think this second thing has been corrected,
from reading previous posts, but is the first problem still happening?
If it's a bug, fair enough, but if a deliberate typesetting decision has
been taken, then IMVHO it's a step backwards.
On Wed, 2004-01-21 at 15:24, Mats Bengtsson wrote:
> Your file had two problems.
> - Since the \global contains things that have to go into a
> Staff context to make sense, LilyPond created an extra
> stave at the top to handle them. Just include the \global
> within one of the staves instead, for example
> - You included the lyrics within the Staff context, which doesn't make
> sense. It has to come after the '}' matching '\new Staff {'.
> Also, I don't understand why you didn't let the \notes apply
> directly to all the contents of the Staff (which also gets rid
> of one pair of curly brackets, which confused you).
> So, the beginning of the \score declaration could be changed into
> something like
> \score {
> \new ChoirStaff <<
> \addlyrics
> \new Staff \notes \relative c' <<
> \global
> \property Staff.instrument = "Annette"
> \key a \major
> \new Voice {
> e4
> cis e2 e4
> cis'4. a8~ a4 e
> cis' a2 b4
> a2.
> }
> >>
> \new Lyrics \words
> \addlyrics
> \new Staff \notes \relative c' {
> \property Staff.instrument = "Andrew"
> \key a \major
> d4
> cis cis2 d4
> a'4. fis8~ fis4 e
> a fis2 gis4
> fis2.
> }
> \new Lyrics \words
> The rest of the staves could follow the example of the second one
> (Andrew). The first one is a bit special, since I included \global
> in it.
> /Mats
> Andrew Longland-Meech wrote:
> > Hello All!
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> =============================================
> Mats Bengtsson
> Signal Processing
> Signals, Sensors and Systems
> Royal Institute of Technology
> Sweden
> Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463
> Fax: (+46) 8 790 7260
> Email: address@hidden
> WWW: http://www.s3.kth.se/~mabe
> =============================================