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Re: lilypond-user Digest, Vol 37, Issue 44

From: VSD
Subject: Re: lilypond-user Digest, Vol 37, Issue 44
Date: Thu, 15 Dec 2005 19:19:56 +0100
User-agent: Opera M2/8.50 (Win32, build 7700)

It's true that the jazz chord names printed by
lilypond are weird from a jazz perspective and it is
also true that there is a mechanism via
chordNameExceptions to tweak the output or one could
always use text markup to do it exactly as one wishes.

(1) Text markup for chords don't allow you to
transpose chords.  So, when I am writing out parts,
the chordmode has a clear advantage since you can
transpose the chord names via \tranpose.
no, if you use chordNameExtensions, the name of chord root is
not affected with your text markup, only the chord "modifiers".
you still have to use \chordmode so you can also transpose chords
and play them in the midi file.

see "" in the regression tests, and change
the root of the chords inside theMusic block to e.g "d:7sus4" instead of
"c:7sus4". then you'll see D7wahh at the output :)

although it may be a bit misleading, in:

chExceptionMusic = {
    <c f g bes>1-\markup { \super "7" "wahh" }}

<c f g bes> is not implicitly related to the "c" based chord, but
to the relative intervals inside the chord, in this case to all the
7sus4 chords, regardless of the root.

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