I want to use partcombine to merge in the tune for a song with
its piano accompaniment. But it's not working the way I expect.
Here's a snippet:
\version "2.11.41"
\context Staff
\context Voice=tune \relative c' {s4. s8 b8. d16 }
\context Voice=accomp \relative c'{ s4. a8 <b g>8. d16 }
I see the warning message, `too many clashing notecolumns', and the
augmentation dot on the b is repeated --- as if the \partcombine did
nothing. In other places in the music (not in this snippet), the
beams are repeated, so a beam of quavers look like semiquavers.
I want the tune in a separate named voice so I can use \lyricsto.
I could put it on a separate stave, but that would make the music
spread over two pages.
Any ideas?
Dr Peter Chubb http://www.gelato.unsw.edu.au peterc AT
http://www.ertos.nicta.com.au ERTOS within National ICT
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