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RE: RehearsalMark

From: Mark Stephen Mrotek
Subject: RE: RehearsalMark
Date: Sun, 12 Jan 2014 18:35:20 -0800


If I attached the command line starting with "\once \overide Score" to the
c4 in the first voice the "Fine" moves to above the staff at the end of the
second line.

Try that and see if is what you want.


-----Original Message-----
From: address@hidden
[mailto:address@hidden On Behalf Of
Sent: Sunday, January 12, 2014 5:51 PM
To: address@hidden
Subject: RehearsalMark

I'm sorry, I can't make this example smaller and generate the problem.

I want line 2 to end with the mark "Fine", but the mark "Fine" appears at
the start of line 3. How do I get "Fine" to appear at the end of line 2?

\version "2.16.0"

melody = \relative c' {
    \time 2/4
    \partial 8
    \repeat volta 2 {
        << { c,8 \rest } \\ { \stemUp g'8 } >> |
        << { \stemDown d8 [ g c, g' ] } \\ { \stemUp f'4 e } >> |
        << { \stemDown b,8 [ g' a, g' ] } \\ { \stemUp d'4 c } >> |
        << { \stemDown g,8 [ g' a, g' ] } \\ { \stemUp b4 c } >> |
        << { \stemDown b,8 [ g' b, g' ] } \\ { \stemUp d'4 d } >> |
        << { \stemDown a4 g } \\ { \stemUp a8 [ f' g, e' ] } >> |
        << { \stemDown f,4 e } \\ { \stemUp f8 [ d' e, c' ] } >> |
        << { \stemDown f,4 d } \\ { \stemUp f8 [ d' d, b' ] } >> |
        << { \stemDown c,4 c8 \rest } \\ { \stemUp c'4 c8 \rest } >> \break
    \repeat volta 2 {
        << { c,8 \rest } \\ { \stemUp g'8 } >> |
        << { \stemDown d8 [ g c, g' ] } \\ { \stemUp f'4 e } >> |
        << { \stemDown b,8 [ g' a, g' ] } \\ { \stemUp d'4 c } >> |
        << { \stemDown g,8 [ g' a, g' ] } \\ { \stemUp b4 c } >> |
        << { \stemDown b,8 [ g' b, g' ] } \\ { \stemUp d'4 d } >> |
        << { \stemDown a4 g } \\ { \stemUp a8 [ f' g, e' ] } >> |
        << { \stemDown f,4 e } \\ { \stemUp f8 [ d' e, c' ] } >> |
        << { \stemDown f,4 d } \\ { \stemUp f8 [ d' d, b' ] } >> |
        << { \stemDown c,4 c8 \rest } \\ { \stemUp c'4 c8 \rest } >>
        \once \override Score.RehearsalMark.self-alignment-X = #RIGHT
        \mark "Fine" \break
    \repeat volta 2 {
        << { c,8 \rest } \\ { \stemUp g'8 } >> |
        << { \stemDown d8 [ g c, g' ] } \\ { \stemUp f'4 e } >> |
        << { \stemDown b,8 [ g' a, g' ] } \\ { \stemUp d'4 c } >> |
        << { \stemDown g,8 [ g' a, g' ] } \\ { \stemUp b4 c } >> |
        << { \stemDown b,8 [ g' b, g' ] } \\ { \stemUp d'4 d } >> |
        << { \stemDown a4 g } \\ { \stemUp a8 [ f' g, e' ] } >> |
        << { \stemDown f,4 e } \\ { \stemUp f8 [ d' e, c' ] } >> |
        << { \stemDown f,4 d } \\ { \stemUp f8 [ d' d, b' ] } >> |
        << { \stemDown c,4 c8 \rest } \\ { \stemUp c'4 c8 \rest } >> \break

\score {
        \context Voice {
            \clef "treble_8"
} % score

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% tab-width: 4 %
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