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novice questions - an advice appreciated!

From: Rob Torop
Subject: novice questions - an advice appreciated!
Date: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 10:18:58 -0500

I'm trying to create something like this:
I would also like to define my own chord voicings with custom names - that is, I don't want to give an alternative voicing for E, but instead make up a new name like EBlah, and have EBlah appear in the chart and in the chord grid. I might have multiple voicings that are all really E so it doesn't work to just re-use E.

I can find bits and pieces of this, but I can't make anything really work.  Here's my work-in-progress (using frescobaldi):

\version "2.18.2"

\include ""

chordNames = \chordmode { c1:m7 ees1:maj7 }

melody         = \relative c'    { c2 f4 bes,4 ees aes, des ges, }

verse            =  \lyricmode  {  I met a fair young maiden }

\score {


    \new ChordNames \chordNames

    \new FretBoards \chordNames

    \new Staff \melody

    \addlyrics \verse

    \new TabStaff \melody



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