I had this problem before, where music just went out of the page. It turned out that some of the bar checks failed. But here it shouldn't be the case, as I'm using bar checks and the place where it breaks is under cadenza anyway. For the sake of simplicity I skipped the beginning. It supposed to be like this: trumpet starts solo - in time; piano starts its cadenza together with last note of trumpet solo. The cadenza is written on 2 systems, then on the 3rd system piano reverts back to metric music. Both this example and my full score, where I just make bunch of multi rests and hide the bars, seems to be broken. Trumpet name seems to be cut out too, not sure why.
Here's the snippet (it looks in Frescobaldi like this:
\version "2.19.50"
\language "deutsch"
\include "mtf-cadence.ily"
global = {
\key b \major
\time 3/4
\tempo 4=108
trumpetBb = \relative c'' {
\transposition b
c2.\fff |
up = \relative c'' {
\autochange {
\relative {
\stemDown des,32[ es ges as b!]
\stemUp des[ es ges as b]
\stemDown des[ es ges as b]
\stemUp des[ es ges as b]
\stemDown \ottava #1 des[ es ges as b]
\stemUp <des es>
\stemDown b[ as ges es des]
\stemUp \ottava #0 b[ as ges es des]
\stemDown b[ as ges es des]
\stemUp b[ as ges es des]
\stemDown b[ as ges es des]
b[ f' b] \stemUp f'[ <a d> g]
down = \relative c' {
trumpetBbPart = \new Staff \with {
instrumentName = "Trumpet in Bb"
midiInstrument = "trumpet"
pianoPart = \new PianoStaff \with {
instrumentName = "Piano"
} <<
\new Staff = "up" \with {
midiInstrument = "acoustic grand"
} \up
\new Staff = "down" \with {
midiInstrument = "acoustic grand"
} { \clef bass \down }
\score {
\layout {
\context {
\Staff \RemoveEmptyStaves
\context {
\override VerticalAxisGroup.remove-first = ##t
\midi { }
Also, in the original score the trumpet staff lines are cut right after the last note, but here since it's technically together with piano, it looks weird. Am I approaching this wrong? None of the trumpet notes are technically cadenza, but it shares musical time with the start of the piano cadenza, if it makes any sense.
Anyway sorry if it turns out it's something stupid, but I couldn't find snippets tackling similar issue. And as usual, thanks for any help.
Krzysztof Gutowski