I would like to ask for a bit of a guidance. I sometimes end up with
the scores as you see in the attachment. There's simply not enough
vertical space between staves and text is overlapping very badly.
I can attach the complete example (or perhaps come up with some
"\repeat unfold ..." trick to compose a full page that more or less
reproduces the problem), but it's basically the same type of scores as
I used anywhere else in
On the example in the screenshot you see the following elements in one
- button names are two lines of Lyrics attached on top of the melody
- Voice with the main melody
- accordion push spanner
- RhythmicStaff
- FiguredBass
I didn't even try to touch the spacing inside the scores. The only
part where the code is messing up with vertical spacing is here:
in accordionPushSpannerEngraver (written by David Nalesnik) which is
something that I don't fully understand myself. But in theory it
should not affect distances between different staves, it should only
control the distance between main melody, push spanner event and the
I was looking at
- http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.19/Documentation/learning/vertical-spacing
etc. and found some ugly workarounds to fix the problem (I can create
a manual page break; add artificial invisible marks; increase the
spacing between staves – which will result in too big space even when
I don't have any button names / lyrics above the melody and that looks
ugly; ...), but I wonder if this issue with vertical spacing is:
(a) a bug in lilypond
(b) a bug in the code that handles accordion push events
(c) something that's super difficult to fix anywhere and I should be
using workarounds anyway
I can provide more information if needed, but I'll need a bit more
Thank you,