Hello everyone! I've been searching but have been unable to figure out a solution to this one.
Given the attached image obtained by running the following snippet:
\version "2.19.83"
\language "english"
toL = { \change Staff = "LH" }
toR = { \change Staff = "RH" }
\new PianoStaff <<
\new Staff = "RH" \relative {
\time 2/4
r4 \toL c'16 \toR e' d e |
\new Staff = "LH" \relative {
r4 s |
\clef F <g c,>4 r
\new PianoStaff <<
\new Staff = "RH" \relative {
\time 2/4
r4 \toL c'16 \toR e' d e |
\new Staff = "LH" \relative {
r4 s |
<g' c,>4 r
As you can see in the first example the clef is increasing the distance between the last note of the measure and the barline. How can one move the clef to the left, a little bellow the notes in the upper staff, so that the measure takes the same amount of horizontal space as the second example?
Thank you in advance for you help,