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From: Peter Jaques <address@hidden>
To: Lilypond User <address@hidden>
Date: Fri, 31 May 2019 10:35:41 +0200 (CEST)
Subject: Re: two-way synchronization (live or otherwise) between Lilypond and a DAW
That workflow would depend on the DAW, not lilypond. For the automatic "synchronization" you're suggesting in step 7, the DAW would have to actively monitor a midi file for changes. Lilypond has nothing to do with that.
As a workaround, if the DAW allows re-importing the midi file without losing automation you've added since last import, it's simple enough to just drag the new Lilypond-generated midi file into the DAW's timeline. As long as you're not editing the actual pitches (or velocities) inside your DAW, I'm pretty sure e.g. Pro Tools would do this easily & non-destructively. Inside the DAW you do all your tempo / volume automation, instrument changes etc, and just replace the midi file whenever you've made changes. If you've changed the form of the piece (made the middle longer/shorter, for example), then anything after those edits would not get shifted to match, of course.
Now if you're *editing the actual midi data* in the daw, and expecting Lilypond to catch that, well, that's much more complicated and currently not anywhere near in place.
This is essentially my workflow.
I use Logic as my DAW, and re-import the MIDI file every time I update the lilypond source then generate new MIDI.
(It is especially annoying since there is not a key command for import MIDI within Logic, so I have to go through the menu each time.)
Logic will import the new MIDI onto new tracks, and you need to delete the old MIDI, then move the new MIDI onto the old tracks, then delete the new, now-empty tracks.
If you do have automation on tracks, as well as any effects, panning, mixing levels, that will remain.
But any changes made in the DAW to MIDI notes/velocities will either get thrown out if you replace the old MIDI with the new MIDI, or you have to replace the MIDI selectively. Although presumably with this workflow, if you do make edits to the DAW MIDI, you would re-enter these in the lilypond source, so that they will be reflected in the new MIDI output.
Elaine Alt
415 . 341 .4954 "Confusion is highly underrated"
address@hidden Producer ~ Composer ~ Instrumentalist ~ Educator