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Re: How can I apply default automatic beam logic for 4/4 meter to a piec

From: Hans Åberg
Subject: Re: How can I apply default automatic beam logic for 4/4 meter to a piece written in 2/2 meter
Date: Sat, 19 Oct 2019 14:35:27 +0200

> On 19 Oct 2019, at 13:56, 田村 淳 via lilypond-user <address@hidden> wrote:
> I’ve been using Lilypond for a while but new to the lilypond-user list. I’m 
> sorry if the above question has been asked for zillion times in the past.
> I understand that I could most likely be able to achieve what I want by 
> re-defining baseMoment and beatStructure, and cut-and-paste the contents of 
> beamExceptions from ‘scm/time-signature-settings.scm’ but I thought that 
> there might be a bit easier and more elegant way to achieve the same.
> I’m typesetting the 1st movement of J. S. Bach’s 5th Brandenburg concerto. 
> Bach used ‘alla breve’ time signature but the music is actually 4/4 (or 
> common time) in a modern sense. If I set "\time 4/4” then the automatic beam 
> works almost perfectly. Very little manual tweaking is required.

I use stuff like
  \time 7/16
  \set beatStructure = #'(4 3)

So in your case, perhaps
  \set beatStructure = #’(1 1 1 1)

Also, one might merely change the time signature symbol, as already in a reply.

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