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Re: moving sustainoff - I lost the answer and can't remember how to sear

From: Jean Abou Samra
Subject: Re: moving sustainoff - I lost the answer and can't remember how to search for it
Date: Wed, 18 May 2022 00:29:15 +0200
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Le 18/05/2022 à 00:20, jh a écrit :
Hello all- a while back I asked how to move the sustainoff to after the last note and someone answered and I believed I saved it and now cannot find where I put that answer.
Please send it again......
AND- I think there's a way to search for something like this but I so seldom ever need to do this (not at all for the last 7 years) I have completely forgotten where to go for it.
So that would be welcome too.

Many apologies for misplacing this and having to ask again.

Likely this:

You can search the archives here:

as mentioned here:


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