%slashedacciaccworkaround.ly \version "2.22.1" % WORKAROUND FOR A SLASHED ACCIACCATURA % Uses (mostly) 7/4 virtual bars (invisible bar lines in the ly file) \score { \new PianoStaff << \new Staff = "up" \with { \remove "Time_signature_engraver" \override TupletBracket.bracket-visibility = ##t \clef treble midiInstrument = #"acoustic grand" } { % Bar 9 (7/4) - big problem with 'keep-alive' -- see LH part 1\p s8 % 7-note Change staff passage \override NoteHead.font-size = #-3 \once \override Beam.positions = #'(-4.0 . -4.0) \once \override TextScript.extra-offset = #'(-0.5 . -2.5) \stemDown fis''!8_\markup{\dynamic f \italic{secco}}[ \change Staff = "down" \stemUp c''8 \change Staff = "up" \stemDown e'' \change Staff = "down" \stemUp f' \change Staff = "up" \stemDown b'' \change Staff = "down" \stemUp a' \change Staff = "up" \stemDown g''] ~ g''4 \bar "" % Bar 10 \revert NoteHead.font-size \stemNeutral } %LOWER STAFF \new Staff = "down" \with { \remove "Time_signature_engraver" \override TupletBracket.bracket-visibility = ##t } { \set Staff.pedalSustainStyle = #'mixed % Bar 9 (2/4 + s8 + 5/4) << { g'1 \once \override TextScript.extra-offset = #'(2.5 . 4.0) s8^\markup{\draw-line #'(-2.5 . 4.0)}} \\ {des'8\sustainOn_( bes4 des'8 ~ des'8[ bes] ~ bes4_) s8\sustainOff} >> s2. s8 r4 \bar "" } >> }