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Re: /usr/local/lilypond/usr/bin/lilypond: not found

From: Jean Abou Samra
Subject: Re: /usr/local/lilypond/usr/bin/lilypond: not found
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2023 01:34:17 +0200
User-agent: Evolution 3.46.4 (3.46.4-1.fc37)

Le mercredi 12 avril 2023 à 16:07 -0700, JD Margulici a écrit :

Hi Jean,

your diagnostic sounds promising. I successfully installed the Frescobaldi Flatpak, but still cannot launch lilypond from the command line. Any idea how to get there? I'm building a docker container and I don't have much experience with docker, so getting to the Frescobaldi GUI is not straightforward.

I'm not sure how one would do this; however, if your goal is to create a Docker image, then installing the Flatpak isn't what you want. The main point of using Alpine Linux for Docker images is its small size (e.g., for a faster CI), but the Frescobaldi Flatpak includes tons of KDE stuff that weighs in the Gigabytes or so. If you can't find a way to run LilyPond on Alpine without Flatpak, you're better off using a glibc-based distro like Fedora or Ubuntu for your Docker image.

I tried 2.24 by unpacking the .tar archive and it doesn't run. 
the lilypond command  returns:
/bin/sh: lilypond: not found
even though the directory in in my PATH
and the lilypond-book command returns:
/usr/bin/lilypond-2.24.1/bin/lilypond-book: exec: line 10: /usr/bin/lilypond-2.24.1/bin/../libexec/python3.10: not found

Apparently, that is a typical error when trying to use a glibc-based executable on a musl-based system. Sources:

Prior to unpacking I installed the gcompat alpine package but I can't tell whether that is sufficient to get around the glibc issue.

I can't explain this, sorry.

According to, it would be interesting to see the output of scanelf -i /.../lilypond-2.24.1/bin/lilypond.

By the way, why are you putting the lilypond-2.24.1 inside /usr/bin/? That's just weird. /usr/bin/ is normally for executables only, not for directories with executables and other data, plus it's normally only touched by the system package manager, never by you (unlike /usr/local/bin/). I would just put the binaries into $HOME.

Back to the topic, perhaps try asking on Alpine Linux forums. You could also evaluate if the size is important in your workflow (what are you trying to do with the image?) and perhaps change your choice of distro for a glibc-based one to save yourself the trouble.



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