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Re: lilypond-user Digest, Vol 246, Issue 40

From: Jeff Olson
Subject: Re: lilypond-user Digest, Vol 246, Issue 40
Date: Sat, 13 May 2023 17:30:02 -0600
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On 5/13/2023 2:07 PM, wrote:
Il 13/05/23 15:47, Jean Abou Samra ha scritto:
\version "2.24.1"

circleB =
\once \override NoteHead.stencil =
  (lambda (grob original)
        \markup \with-outline \stencil #original
        \overlay {
          \stencil #original
          \align-on-other #X
            #CENTER \stencil #original
            #CENTER \draw-circle #1.5 #0.1 ##f 

  \circleB c'' \circleB c'' \circleB c''2
  \circleB c''1 \circleB c''8 \circleB a'8
  \circleB b'16 \circleB c''16 \circleB b'16 \circleB a'16
  \circleB f'2

You can then add \with-color "red" before \draw-circle or do other transformations.



I tried adapting your circleB with a fill to do something like staffHighlight but with a more focused spotlight effect, especially for notes outside the staff on ledger lines where staffHighlight ordinarily doesn't go.    Here's my adaptation (with the original stencil last, so the note itself is not obliterated by the fill):

\version "2.24.1"
circleB =
\once \override NoteHead.stencil =
  (lambda (grob original)
        \markup \with-outline \stencil #original
        \overlay {
          \align-on-other #X
            #CENTER \stencil #original
            #CENTER \with-color "#fcc" \draw-circle #3.5 #0.1 ##t
          \stencil #original

{  \circleB e a d' \circleB g' b' e'' }

But filling the circle obscures the staff and ledger lines (unlike the staffHighlight effect) making the circled note ambiguous (see first staff in image below).

The only workaround I know is to do an overlay of the whole score with its un-decorated self, like this (second staff in image below).

\markup { \overlay {
  \score {  \new Voice { \circleB e a d' \circleB g' b' e'' } }
  \score {  \new Voice { e a d'  g'  b' e'' } }
} }

Here's the image of the two results.  The circle highlight obliterates the ledger and staff lines:

two results

I see the circle also has no extent so it gets clipped in the png.  That I can workaround. 

But how can I get the circle placed behind the staff (as in the second result) without doing an unwieldy overlay of the whole score?


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