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Re: Moving note in three-voice context

From: Jakob Pedersen
Subject: Re: Moving note in three-voice context
Date: Thu, 18 May 2023 22:05:59 +0200
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Dear William

Thank you for this. The extra-spacing-width option is splendid, but –like you – I like solution #2 better, and it works perfectly!


On 17.05.2023 20.40, William Rehwinkel via LilyPond user discussion wrote:
Dear Jakob,

It must be a nice piece d'orgue ;) (this has lost some of its comedic value as others have already answered)

I can think of two solutions to this problem.

1. You can override NoteHead.extra-spacing-width = #'(left . right). For example, #'(-4 . 0)


% ---
leftOne = \relative c' {
  \global \voiceOne e4 d c h |
  a \change Staff = "right" \voiceTwo  \once \override NoteHead.extra-spacing-width = #'(-4 . 0 ) a' gis a | h2 e, |

% ---

2. Insert the following code in the layout block and remove the forst-hshift override:

% ---
    \context {
      \override VoiceFollower.springs-and-rods = #ly:spanner::set-spacing-rods
      \override VoiceFollower.after-line-breaking = ##t
      \override VoiceFollower.minimum-length = #5
      \override VoiceFollower.minimum-length-after-break = #4
% ---

This allows you to set a minimum horizontal length for all VoiceFollower, and if the line would have a shorter horizontal distance, it will be lengthened (this is my personal choice, except I set the glissando properties this way and manually insert glissandos).


On 5/17/23 13:33, Jakob Pedersen wrote:

I'm attempting to move a note horizontally to fix a poorly placed voice-leading line.

Breitkopf fixes it by nudging the a following the staff change to the right, and I'd like to copy that.

A minimal example from my score:

\version "2.24.1"
\language "deutsch"

global = {
  \key g \major
  \time 4/4
  \override = #'dashed-line

rightOne = \relative c'' {
  \global \voiceOne h4 h a g | fis!2 f'~ | f4 f e d |

rightTwo = \relative c'' {
  \global \voiceTwo g4 f e2 | \voiceThree d2 d'~ | d h |

leftOne = \relative c' {
  \global \voiceOne e4 d c h |
  a \change Staff = "right" \voiceTwo \once \override NoteColumn.force-hshift = #3 a' gis a | h2 e, |


leftTwo = \relative c' {
  \global \voiceTwo e,2 a | d,2. c4 | h2 h' |

pedal = \relative c {
  \global c1~ | c4 c h a | gis2 gis' |

\score {
    \new PianoStaff <<
      \new Staff = "right" << \rightOne \\ \rightTwo >>
      \new Staff = "left" { \clef bass << \leftOne \\ \leftTwo >> }
    \new Staff = "pedal"
    << \clef bass \pedal >>
  \layout { ragged-first = ##f }

I've included a couple of extra bars because I wasn't sure if it was related to something in those.

\once \override NoteColumn.force-hshift = #3 doesn't seem to work.  (3 was just an arbitrary number to see if it would move.) I can nudge the notes at the beginning of the bar to the left, except the force-hshift fails to work on the tied d in the bass line.

I'm sure there's a simple explanation, but I've been unable to figure it out so far.

Best wishes,

Jakob Pedersen

ps. There's a free imaginary balloon to anyone who recognises the piece.

+ ------------------------------------------- +
|   William Rehwinkel - Oberlin College and   |
|                          Conservatory '24   |
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