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Re: Adjusting layout to bigger notes

From: Abraham Lee
Subject: Re: Adjusting layout to bigger notes
Date: Tue, 23 May 2023 12:46:43 -0600

On Tue, May 23, 2023 at 11:51 AM Jean Abou Samra <> wrote:

Le mardi 23 mai 2023 à 11:41 -0600, Abraham Lee a écrit :

@Devs (if any are reading through this), to the point of the OP's original question, and related to what's described in Section 2 of, this is not entirely accurate to say you can use layout-set-staff-size for individual scores. I mean, yes, layout-set-staff-size can be used, but the layout engine still horizontally spaces things as if it was whatever the global staff size is (as shown by the OP's picture).

Yes, known bug.

For small size changes, or decreasing the size, like changing it to 18 vs a global 20, then it's not so noticeable, but a big change, or going up in size, like changing it to 26 with a global 20, then the spacing issue becomes considerably more apparent. I am not a Dev and I have no idea what's required to fix this behavior, but not being able to cleanly adjust the staff size of individual book parts or scores within the same \book is a long-standing complaint I've had. I've worked around it by creating separate \book blocks and then spliced them together later, but it's a hassle. Why not just have it do the right/expected thing from the beginning?

It's complicated. Basically, set-global-staff-size is able to just scale almost everything globally, but layout-set-staff-size needs each grob / spacing function / markup command / etc. etc. to handle the staff size correctly (because not all scores/staves are scaled the same). Unfortunately, there are lots of bugs in this area. It could be a very nice project to do some sort of exhaustive walk-through to fix such issues.

Thanks for responding, Jean. All the work you and the other devs do is very much appreciated! 

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