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[Linphone-users]Re: linphone on arm

From: Simon Morlat
Subject: [Linphone-users]Re: linphone on arm
Date: 15 Feb 2003 16:23:49 +0100


If you remove those functions, nothing is supposed to compile or work.
I'm also working on porting linphone to arm. I will give instructions in
linphone in order to cross compile once I have finished.


Le sam 15/02/2003 à 10:47, Yogesh a écrit :
> Hi,
>     I am trying to port linphone-0.9.1 onto arm linux. I successfully 
> compiled and linked linphone for arm using libglib-2.0.a .  However this 
> library doesnot support g_thread_supported, g_module_supported and 
> g_thread_init functions. I am interestedin console version of the 
> liuphone. So are these functions really required ? What will be the side 
> effects if i  remove them ?
> Yogesh
Simon Morlat <address@hidden>

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