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[Linphone-users]Building rpm for Redhat

From: Ted Kaczmarek
Subject: [Linphone-users]Building rpm for Redhat
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2003 07:30:59 -0500

I have attempted to build an RPM for Redhat 8.0. I have worked my way
through a few issues and am left with a path problem.
The rpm put the sound files in
while Linphone is looking for them in
/usr/local/share. I suspect other items are also not 
properly located.

Attached is the spec file I am working from.
What do I need to edit in the source to have Linphone look in /usr/share
instead of /usr/local/share?

Ted Kaczmarek <address@hidden>

Attachment: linphone-0.10.0.spec
Description: application/spec

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: This is a digitally signed message part

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