LINPHONE ON ARM-LINUX (cross-compiling on host for target architecture) This is based on reference of README.arm by "Simon" that you may find in linphone-1.2.0 version. These modified steps helps you to cross compile on any i386 hosr for arm target. Pakages & Dependencies: (Download these from net) 1) linphone-1.2.0 2) libosip2-2.2.2 3) libogg-1.1.0 4) speex- 5) oRTP ( this is always there in linphone packages) Arm cross tools chain used: arm-linux-gcc-3.4.1.tar.bz2 A) Build enviornment setup: ( assume you are on root) #tar -xvjf arm-linux-gcc-3.4.1.tar.bz2 #export PATH=$PATH:/root/usr/local/arm/3.4.1/bin #export LD=/root/usr/local/arm/3.4.1/bin/arm-linux-ld #export LDFLAGS=-L/root/usr/local/arm/3.4.1/arm-linux/lib #mkdir arm #cd arm untar all the packeges from 1 to 4 mentioned above #cp linphone-1.2.0/ipkg/ /root/. #export CONFIG_SITE=~/ #mkdir /root/armbuild #export ARM_INSTALL_TREE=/root/armbuild B) Cross -compiling libosip2-2.2.2 #cd libosip2-2.2.2 #./configure --prefix=/root/armbuild -host=i686-pc-linux --target=arm-linux --disable-static #make #make install C) Cross -compiling libogg-1.1.0 #cd ../libogg-1.1.0 #./configure --prefix=/root/armbuild --host=i686-pc-linux --target=arm-linux --disable-static --enable-fixed-point #make #make install D) Cross -compiling speex- #cd ../speex- #./configure --prefix=/root/armbuild --host=i686-pc-linux --target=arm-linux --disable-static --enable-fixed-point --enable-arm-asm --with-ogg=/root/armbuild/usr --with-ogg-libraries=/roo/armbuild/usr/lib --with-ogg-headers=/root/armbuild/usr/include/ogg #make #make install E) Copy "" to your arm-tools. #cp /root/armbuild/usr/lib/ /root/usr/local/arm/3.4.1/arm-linux/lib #cd /root/usr/local/arm/3.4.1/arm-linux/lib #ln -s #ln -s F) Cross compile linphone-1.2.0: Before you do so, take the "oRTP" portion in linphone-1.2.0 folder, and do the following: #cd /root/arm/linphone-1.2.0 #cd oRTP ##./configure --prefix=/root/armbuild --host=i686-pc-linux --target=arm-linux --disable-static --enable-fixed-point #make #make install ##cp /root/armbuild/usr/lib/ /root/usr/local/arm/3.4.1/arm-linux/lib #cd /root/usr/local/arm/3.4.1/arm-linux/lib #ln -s #ln -s Now, you may try to compile the "linphone" without GUI support or with console support. #cd /root/arm/linphone-1.2.0 #./configure --prefix=/root/armbuild --host=i686-pc-linux --target=arm-linux --disable-static --disable-glib --enable-gnome_ui=no --disable-manual --enable-ipv6 --enable-alsa --with-osip=/root/armbuild/usr --with-speex=/root/armbuild/usr #make #make install Thats all. Check you build folder "/root/armbuild" and you may need to strip symbols before putting on your embedded board. Kindly send Feed back! Raja Mallik