I think you have different versions of ffmpeg on your machine.
Clean before by removing any ffmpeg/*.h files you can find, and any
libavutil.so*, libavcodec.so*, libavformat.so*.
Remove also previous installation of linphone with 'make uninstall' inside
linphone's source.
Then reinstall with apt-get install --reinstall libavcodec-dev.
Then rebuild linphone from scratch.
I use ubuntu too and linphone compiles perfectly.
Le mardi 16 janvier 2007 13:30, Laurent Burgy a écrit :
maybe this is not a linphone-specific question but you may have
encountered it already.
I am trying to compile linphone from the sources in my ubuntu and when i
run it, i obtain this message:
linphone: symbol lookup error: /usr/local/lib/libmediastreamer.so.0:
undefined symbol: av_malloc
I have no error during configure nor during the make...
I used to have errors during the make concerning av_* things that i
resolved by installing the package libav_codec_dev and
libav_format_format ...
thx for the answers ...
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