CentOS 5.1 Linphone installation: 1. Install libraries: ( I used to put sources in /usr/local/src ) - speex - libosip2 - libeXosip2 - msilbc (Part I. source) - ffmpeg (Check it out from SVN) svn checkout svn://svn.mplayerhq.hu/ffmpeg/trunk ffmpeg 2. Install CentOS add-on libraries: (Linphone2SDL_CentOS51RPMs.zip) (To have SDL to support video feature) - rpm -ivh *.rpm 3. Install Linphone (under /bin/bash): > export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig > cd linphone-2.1.1 > ./configure --prefix=/usr/local --enable-alsa --enable-video --with-ffmpeg=/usr/local --with-speex=/usr/local > make > make install 4. Install msilbc plugin: > cd msilbc-2.0.0 > export LINPHONE_BUILD=/usr/local/src/linphone-2.1.1 (Patch ilbc.c to remove the line with "MS_FILTER_SET_FMTP") > make > make install 5. Run linphonec: > /usr/local/bin/linphonec