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[Linphone-users] Fwd: Re: [ #1263208] Linphone on the internal

From: Matěj Cepl
Subject: [Linphone-users] Fwd: Re: [ #1263208] Linphone on the internal RH SIP
Date: Mon, 31 Aug 2009 23:56:57 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv: Gecko/20090806 Fedora/3.0-3.8.b3.fc12 Lightning/1.0pre Thunderbird/3.0b3

Hi, this is the result of my dialog with our SIP support guys. Apparently, linphone gets confused and offers my internal LAN address (192.168.1.*) instead of VPN one. The result is that it the registration to the internal SIP server fails (Not Found) and when calling the contact inside of RH VPN I get "Service Unavailable". It doesn't matter whether I use an internal STUN server or use my IP address directly (this VPN connection is not NATed).

This is the only showstopper for using linphone as my main SIP client (the only other working SIP client for me is Twinkle, and I really don't like KDE apps on my machine). There are some other problems (e.g., for many users STUN/direct IP/etc. setting should be per-account, not per-program preference, many UI glitches), but fortunately non other is a showstopper for me.

What do you think?


-------- Původní zpráva --------
Předmět: Re: [ #1263208] Linphone on the internal RH SIP
Datum: Mon, 31 Aug 2009 16:23:14 -0400
Od: Joe Micciche via RT <address@hidden>
Přeposláno - Komu: address@hidden
Komu: address@hidden

On 08/31/2009 03:24 PM, Matej Cepl via RT wrote:
> Dne 31.8.2009 20:39, Joe Micciche via RT napsal(a):
>> Hi Matej, is it possible to get a tcpdump from your machine from when
>> you start Linphone through to attempting a call? The txt file doesn't
>> give me the depth of information I'd like to have in order to analyze this.
> Is this what you want?
> Matěj

Matej, many thanks for capturing this, the dump is quite helpful.

I have extracted only the packets relevant to your client attempt to 
register to and call from our internal systems - this file is attached.

In short, the dialog begins between your client, on vpn, and 
our registrar,, at Packet #75.

The client sends the REGISTER request, but the client SIP stack is 
setting your Via: and Contact: address to This is the 
core problem, obviously 192. is neither valid nor routable.

Linphone's exosip stack should set your request IP's to the vpn IP, not 
to the un-NAT-ed IP of your machine.

Please let me know if you need more detail or would like to do more 


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