Linphone is great application. I want integrate with my app for callingĀ purpose. I have downloaded source code & imported also.
But it showing some errors which are following..
Description Resource Path Location Type
Project 'linphone-android' is missing required source folder: 'submodules/linphone/java/common' linphone-android Build path Build Path Problem
Project 'linphone-android' is missing required source folder: 'submodules/linphone/java/impl' linphone-android Build path Build Path Problem
Project 'linphone-android' is missing required source folder: 'submodules/linphone/java/j2se' linphone-android Build path Build Path Problem
Project 'linphone-android' is missing required source folder: 'submodules/linphone/mediastreamer2/java/src' linphone-android Build path Build Path Problem
Can you please guide me on this problem to solve.
Thanks & Regards
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