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Re: [Linphone-users] address@hidden

From: Jehan Monnier
Subject: Re: [Linphone-users] address@hidden
Date: Mon, 1 Jul 2013 09:22:56 +0200


Le 30 juin 2013 à 16:16, Jim Diamond <address@hidden> a écrit :

On Sat, Jun 29, 2013 at 15:22 (-0700), John White wrote:

As to the slow loading, that problem is solved (I took all the
"friends" out of linphonerc.  However, I now have to copy and paste
contact info (phone numbers), so that's a bummer.  I am looking at
faster ways to do this.

John, I am surprised that no linphone developer has chimed in on
this.  You might want to consider filing a bug report on this.

For every LinphoneFriend, a SIP subscription might be issued. I may explain why it is so slow.
Can you show us an example of your LinphoneFirend ?



I guess your problem is worked-around with Genghis' solution, but you
shouldn't have to go to that length.

# ./linphone.SlackBuild VIDEO=yes

I then use installpkg to install the SBO file.  Linphone runs when I
do this but does the Video Input Device is greyed out and no video
codecs show in Preferences.

Do you have ffmpeg installed?

If you say
bash -x ./linphone.SlackBuild VIDEO=yes
when it gets to the configure line does it have '--enable-video' in it
like this one:
./configure --prefix=/usr --libdir=/usr/lib64 --docdir=/usr/doc --mandir=/usr/man --disable-static --enable-ipv6 --enable-alsa --enable-truespeech --enable-video --build=x86_64-slackware-linux

Try that out and let me know, maybe I can help there.


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