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[Linphone-users] Support for inbound calls

From: Enrico Gelain
Subject: [Linphone-users] Support for inbound calls
Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 13:35:17 +0200

I am new to voip, but i l do undestand quite well computers. I need a small 
support because it seems Linphone is not alerting me about incoming calls on my 
iPad meanwhile I am doing something else on other apps, or the screen is 
locked. It seems it just ring to me only if the app is on my main screen and 
the screen active. When on other apps, it just doesn't ring. When I switch to 
Linphone it rings, even if the caller has stopped calling me. Background mode 
is active, even from boot, and the caller phone does the right sound of 
calling. Linphone already has all permissions for badges, sounds and alerts. 
Also push is active. I am using
One other thing: Linphone is just continuing to log in and out every time I do 
something with iPad: changing app, go on main screen or even lock the screen 
with the app in front. Is there a way to keep Linphone always connected so to 
have a "real phone behavior", being able to accept calls in any moment? (I 
already tried inserting a high value on the expire field)

Thank you in advance for your help!

    - - -
Enrico Gelain - i see, i know

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