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Re: [Linphone-users] Linphone 3.10 and Ubuntu Linux and Debian Linux

From: Matej Kovacic
Subject: Re: [Linphone-users] Linphone 3.10 and Ubuntu Linux and Debian Linux
Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2016 21:42:50 +0200
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> But for ****WHO**** to update the PPA package??????????
> PPA packages are NOT part of the official Ubuntu release and are installable
> at the users own risk for whatever bugs and security problems may be contained
> therein.
> So are you going to get in touch with whoever has built a PPA package and
> ask them to update their version?
Well, an option would be that Linphone developers, I mean Belledonne
Communications, create their own *official* PPA.

I agree, there is a problem that they cannot support all Linux distros,
but Ubuntu is one of the most widespread. And for Windows/Mac ecosystem
they officially provide compiled binaries...



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