I've been using Linphone for Linux extensively until about 5 years ago. As of today, I restarted using it, but on Windows.
One thing immediately annoyed me when using the newest version: it looks like you can only press the keys from the dialpad (while in a call) using the mouse. It does not respond to the numeric keys of my keyboard. I also don't hear any DTMF tones when pressing the buttons (also quite annoying).
I'm sure I could use the numeric keys from my keyboard in the old version of Linphone. I can also use them when using other SIP clients like X-Lite or Zoiper. It boggles the mind that the "latest and greatest" version of Linphone (for Windows) does not support this feature.
Using only the mouse to click on the numbers instead of using the keyboard is very annoying when you e.g. have to enter a long conference call ID.
Does anybody have a solution for this?