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Re: [Linphone-users] Echo cancellation doesn't work

From: Peio Rigaux
Subject: Re: [Linphone-users] Echo cancellation doesn't work
Date: Thu, 27 Aug 2020 10:40:58 +0200
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It's an interesting issue.

Unfortunately, we do not have any Xiaomi MI A1 to test in on...

Software echo cancellation is normally enabled by default, but I'm not sure if it is used if hardware echo cancellation is misbehaving...

Could you please send us logs of you calls with echo and logs of the echo calibration ? (enable it in "options" > "advanced" and send us logs from "about")


Peio Rigaux
Junior Software Engineer
Belledonne Communications, the company behind Linphone

Le 20/08/2020 à 16:05, a écrit :
Hi, I use Linphone Android client 4.3.0 (the last Google Play version) on Xiaomi MI A1 phone with Android 9. When calling somebody, the call partner hears his own echo.
I have tried to play with settings - Echo cancellation, Echo canceler calibration, Test echo - but with no success. When I start Echo canceler calibration it says sometimes "failed", sometimes "No echo", but the Test echo indicate echo all the time.
As I understand the "echo" problem, there are two kinds of cancelation - HW and SW. I have noticed that many MI A1 users using various VoIP apps complained about "echo". The MI A1 phone probably has such problem itself and I guess, it's related to the HW cancelation. On the other hand, the Linphone's Echo cancelation is related to SW cancelation (I guess) and it should work independently of Phone model. Am I right?
Can I do something more to suppress the caller echo? Or, is it Linphone's bug?

Ondrej Rajmon

Linphone-users mailing list

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