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Re: [Linphone-users] Problem with prefix again

From: Gerard Vanderveken
Subject: Re: [Linphone-users] Problem with prefix again
Date: Tue, 01 Jun 2021 14:28:01 +0200
User-agent: Roundcube Webmail/1.4.11


This seems weird to me. In Belgium, when the international prefix is added, the first zero of the national number is dropped. The dialer should call +4980245551212 in the first example.




On 2021-06-01 14:11, Peio Rigaux wrote:


I finally had some time to check it out.

I tried on the master branch version (built Linphone-android 4.5.0-c931e1907 with linphone-sdk 5.0.0-e28e5ab).

The behaviour is the following :

set prefix to 49  +49080245551212
 prefix not set      080245551212

So it seems that this issue as been fixed meanwhile. This will be available in the next minor release (with our SDK 5.0.0).

If you want to call with the international prefix, it must be set in the accounts settings.

If you want to call the dialed number as-is (to do an INVITE to a extension number on a external provider, for example), you just have to make sure that there is no prefix set in the config.

As of now, this behaviour might be sufficient for everyone.

We are thinking about what we could do to handle better the different usages of Linphone regarding numbers dialed, but we didn't take time to make decisions about it.

As we have a lot of ongoing work, this is something we could eventually rethink about it next year.

Do not hesitate to respond to this email if you noticed a weird related behaviour (the more details you give, the faster we will be able to answer you).


Peio Rigaux
Junior DevOps Engineer
Belledonne Communications, the company behind Linphone

Le 09/01/2021 à 15:22, J. Paul Bissonnette a écrit :
Using the latest Linphone from F-Droid I tried it from google play same
issue. I have an account with sipgate in Germany. Linphone on my
Blackberry Key crashed and refused the connection so I deleted the sip
account and reinstalled it. Now when I dial a number a number eg
080245551212 the display shows the number dialed as  +00245551212.

Before this was fixed by Touching user name droped down a list. Scroll
down to Prefix and erase what ever is there also turn off Replace + by
00 Now that doesn't work either

In settings Sip Account 
Prefix for your country code (without the +) blank number dialed 
replace + by 00 OFF
set prefix to 49  +49080245551212
set prefix  to 0    +00245551212
 prefix not set      +00245551212


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