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[liquidwar-user] Last check before releasing Liquid War 5.6.4

From: Christian Mauduit
Subject: [liquidwar-user] Last check before releasing Liquid War 5.6.4
Date: Mon, 15 May 2006 15:48:23 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.7 (X11/20051018)


I'm about to release Liquid War 5.6.4, the ChangeLog should look like:
- some arcane bug-fixes which won't be seen by most users but will make
the game more robust 8-)
- an NSIS installer (that is a graphical point & click stuff which does
all the unzipping & wizardry for you) for Windows
- the game won't crash when X11 isn't available on UNIX, but instead it
will yield an error message
- updated the docs to reflect the fact that now I use GNU Arch instead
of CVS

That's about it, so this is only a maintenance release, nothing really new.

There's an outstanding bug, which can be seen on both:
and which is about cursors going crazy and AI cursors being controlled
by players after some time ?!?! Well, to be honest, this is both tricky
and uninteresting to debug. Meanwhile developpement on Liquid War 6 is on its (good!) way 8-)

The question is: is anyone aware of any other outstanding bug in Liquid
War 5.6.3? I'm talking about bugs. Lacking functionnalities -> subscribe
to and let's
discuss this over there.

Thanks and have a nice day,


Christian Mauduit <address@hidden>     __/\__ ___
                                        \~/ ~/(`_ \   ___                   /_o _\   \ \_/ _ \_ (GnuPG)    \/      \___/ \__)

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