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[lmi-commits] [lmi] master updated (6126d1e0 -> a07a61b8)

From: Greg Chicares
Subject: [lmi-commits] [lmi] master updated (6126d1e0 -> a07a61b8)
Date: Wed, 27 Jul 2022 15:16:32 -0400 (EDT)

chicares pushed a change to branch master.

      from  6126d1e0  Refuse uselessly to make posix fardels
       new  6e590f5c  Work around a spurious gcc 12 -Wnull-dereference
       new  f12819ba  Make md5sum_for_file ctor noexcept
       new  4ebf92ed  Suppress warnings for deprecated unary_function in cgicc
       new  0c2fceb0  Resurrect 'uncopyable_lmi.hpp'
       new  7649cf4d  Modernize class uncopyable and its documentation
       new  41339667  Rename uncopyable_lmi.hpp -> crtp_base.hpp
       new  efa79f5c  Establish unit tests for CRTP convenience classes
       new  2143f359  Add unit tests for CRTP convenience classes
       new  48007e3c  Support an abstract-xor-final hierarchy
       new  cde94ff9  Use an abstract-xor-final hierarchy
       new  21685250  Use another abstract-xor-final hierarchy
       new  22a759fa  Devirtualize
       new  a07a61b8  Declutter

Summary of changes:
 Makefile.am                  |   8 ++
 any_entity.hpp               |  12 +--
 any_member.hpp               |   2 +
 any_member_test.cpp          |  16 ++--
 ce_product_name.hpp          |   4 +-
 ce_skin_name.hpp             |   4 +-
 census_view.cpp              |   2 +-
 compiler_clang_warnings.make |   1 +
 compiler_gcc_warnings.make   |   1 +
 crtp_base.hpp                | 202 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 crtp_base_test.cpp           | 109 +++++++++++++++++++++++
 datum_base.hpp               |  11 +--
 datum_boolean.hpp            |   8 +-
 datum_sequence.cpp           |  10 ---
 datum_sequence.hpp           |  23 +++--
 datum_string.hpp             |  15 +---
 dbvalue.hpp                  |   6 --
 fund_data.hpp                |   7 --
 gpt_server.hpp               |   6 --
 illustrator.hpp              |   6 --
 ledger.hpp                   |   6 --
 mc_enum.hpp                  |   2 +
 md5sum.hpp                   |   2 +-
 mec_server.hpp               |   6 --
 objects.make                 |   5 ++
 product_data.hpp             |  10 +--
 rounding_rules.hpp           |   6 --
 rtti_lmi.hpp                 |   6 --
 stratified_charges.hpp       |  12 +--
 test_coding_rules.cpp        |   8 --
 tn_range.hpp                 |   8 +-
 yare_input.hpp               |   6 --
 32 files changed, 378 insertions(+), 152 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 crtp_base.hpp
 create mode 100644 crtp_base_test.cpp

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