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Re: [lmi] Copying compiler run-time files in the makefiles

From: Vadim Zeitlin
Subject: Re: [lmi] Copying compiler run-time files in the makefiles
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2022 23:10:12 +0200

On Thu, 21 Jul 2022 15:02:27 +0000 Greg Chicares <gchicares@sbcglobal.net> 

GC> On 6/28/22 13:47, Vadim Zeitlin wrote:
GC> > On Tue, 28 Jun 2022 00:23:15 +0000 Greg Chicares 
<gchicares@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
GC> > 
GC> > GC> On 6/27/22 20:45, Vadim Zeitlin wrote:
GC> > GC> [...]
GC> > GC> > I am not sure I
GC> > GC> > understand why should build_dir depend on $(gpl_files)
GC> > GC> 
GC> > GC> $(build_dir) is a prerequisite for everything:
GC> > GC> 
GC> > GC> % :: $(build_dir) ; @:
GC> > 
GC> >  Ah, I've missed this, sorry. But it's still not totally clear to me how
GC> > does this work because, quoting GNU make manual[1]:
GC> > 
GC> >   One choice is to mark the match-anything rule as terminal by
GC> >   defining it with a double colon. When a rule is terminal, it does
GC> >   not apply unless its prerequisites actually exist. Prerequisites
GC> >   that could be made with other implicit rules are not good enough.
GC> >   In other words, no further chaining is allowed beyond a terminal
GC> >   rule. 
GC> > 
GC> > Doesn't this mean that $(build_dir) must already exist for this to work?
GC> I was going to respond claiming that $(build_dir) is a target here,
GC> rather than a prerequisite, but that would have been incorrect.
GC> Applying the terminological example from section 2.1:
GC>   target … : prerequisites …
GC>           recipe
GC> to the rule at hand:
GC>   % :: $(build_dir) ; @:
GC> the 'target' is "%"; "$(build_dir)" is a prerequisite; and the recipe
GC> is apparently "; @:", which I don't quite understand, though I'm pretty
GC> sure it does nothing. Normally, ";" would suffice for doing nothing.
GC> The "@:" looks like it might mean something special to 'make', but I
GC> can't find it in the manual, so I think the recipe is the shell command
GC> ':', and the "@" prefix tells make not to print that shell command.

 Yes, this is how I parsed it too when looking at it: execute the "do
nothing" command ":" while suppressing its display using "@" -- so this is
the case of a tree not falling in a forest and nobody being there to (not?)
hear it, which should be enough to safely conclude that will be no sound^W
output here.

GC> So your question is deep, at least from my perspective. Stepping back
GC> to include more context...
GC> .PHONY: $(build_dir)
GC> $(build_dir): $(gpl_files)
GC>     +@[ -d $@                 ] || $(MKDIR) --parents $@
GC> [...]
GC> % :: $(build_dir) ; @:
GC> I believe the resolution is that the .PHONYness of $(build_dir)
GC> creates an implicit exception to the paragraph quoted from the
GC> manual, which might be amended thus:
GC>    One choice is to mark the match-anything rule as terminal by
GC>    defining it with a double colon. When a rule is terminal, it does
GC> -  not apply unless its prerequisites actually exist. Prerequisites
GC> +  not apply unless its prerequisites actually exist (or are .PHONY,
GC> +  in which case they are deemed not to name a real file). Prerequisites
GC>    that could be made with other implicit rules are not good enough.
GC>    In other words, no further chaining is allowed beyond a terminal
GC>    rule.

 Thanks, it would indeed make sense if gmake behaved like this...

GC> But I think it's clear that the answer to your question is "No":
GC> the build directory needn't already exist. Indeed, 'make clean'
GC> removes the build directory, and it always gets recreated.

... and, empirically, it does seem to. I couldn't find any further
discussions of this, but experimenting with this makefile:
---------------------------------- >8 --------------------------------------
% cat terminal.make
.PHONY: always
        @echo Always made.

        @echo Sometimes made.

% :: $(dep)
        @echo $@ made.
---------------------------------- >8 --------------------------------------
confirms that it works as you say, i.e.

        % make -f terminal.make dep=always foo
        Always made.
        terminal.make made.
        foo made.
        % make -f terminal.make dep=sometimes foo
        Sometimes made.
        terminal.make made.
        foo made.
        % touch sometimes
        % make -f terminal.make dep=sometimes foo
        foo made.

GC> > GC> I'll try to specify the desired behavior here, in case you can see a
GC> > GC> better way to accomplish it. To run any msw binary, the compiler 
GC> > GC> libraries must be on $WINEPATH; specifically, $localbindir must 
GC> > GC> copies of them.
GC> > 
GC> >  Sorry but I have to point that the implication indicated by the use of
GC> > semicolon here is not correct. You could also just add the directory
GC> > containing the files to WINEPATH, which is what I typically do and which
GC> > seems both simpler and more robust to me.
GC> Okay, so you'd add something like this to $WINEPATH:
GC>   /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32/10-win32/
GC> (not tested, but that's what 'mlocate' suggests)--i.e., the place
GC> where 'apt' put it. The canonical way to get that is:
GC>   $ dirname $(x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++ -print-libgcc-file-name)
GC>   /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32/10-win32

 Yes, so I used to just start all the commands with

        % WINEPATH=$(dirname $(x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++ -print-libgcc-file-name)) 

Now that we don't have to juggle between 32 and 64 bit builds any more, I
could also simply put this WINEPATH in the environment.

GC> But I still think it's more important for us to eat our own dogfood.

 Well, as long as you don't meant it literally (as, apparently, Mars
employees do), I don't have any real objections.

GC> > On Tue, 28 Jun 2022 11:32:58 +0000 Greg Chicares 
<gchicares@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
GC> > GC> Let me mention the reasons for a couple of particulars:
GC> > GC>  - The 'install' command uses a shell for-loop, because
GC> > GC>    $(compiler_runtime_files) might be empty, and I see no
GC> > GC>    better way to deal with that possibility.
GC> > 
GC> >  The old (removed in the above-mentioned 19c09468c8) idea of simply using
GC> > 
GC> >   @[ -z "$(compiler_runtime_files)" ] || cp ...
GC> > 
GC> > seems better to me because it's both more clear (i.e. you can see at a
GC> > glance that the possibility of compiler_runtime_files being empty has been
GC> > considered and handled, instead of wondering whether it's normal for it to
GC> > be empty) and uses one cp command instead of N calls to it. But it's 
GC> > critically important, of course.
GC> Yet commit f760e3df2823 says:
GC>     running `make -n fardel` through shellcheck elicits:
GC>       SC2157: Argument to -z is always false due to literal strings.
GC>     for the controlling condition here:
GC>       [ -z "$(compiler_runtime_files)" ]
GC>     because of a trailing blank.

 Oh, I totally failed to notice this, sorry.

GC> There's a trailing blank because of this definition:
GC>   compiler_runtime_files := \
GC>     $(wildcard $(compiler_sysroot)/libgcc*.dll) \
GC>     $(wildcard $(compiler_sysroot)/libstdc++*.dll) \
GC> That's how I like to define 'make' variables, and I don't want to
GC> change it in a special case that I might break later. I could use
GC> 'sed' to remove extraneous leading or trailing spaces, but that
GC> seems worse than the for-loop. I could try '${param// }', but
GC> that's a ksh-ism that's not POSIX,

 And POSIX solution (https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/147362/20551) is much
longer (although, arguably, more clear).

GC> and $(compiler_runtime_files) is a 'make' variable anyway.
GC> Maybe
GC>       [ -z "$(strip $(compiler_runtime_files))" ]
GC> would work (although I'm not sure I can do that in a recipe),

 Make functions can be applied anywhere and this looks like a perfectly
reasonable solution to me.

GC> but then I'd want to explain why the $(strip ...) function is used.

 FWIW, I think using strip for the -z argument is rather self-explanatory.

GC> I think I'll just leave well enough alone.

 But, it's hard to argue with this solution too.

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