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Re: Build errors with GCC 14

From: Matěj Cepl
Subject: Re: Build errors with GCC 14
Date: Thu, 23 May 2024 22:15:36 +0200

On Thu May 23, 2024 at 5:23 AM CEST, William Bader wrote:
> I didn't realize that Jeff was still maintaining lout.

I haven’t thought about that either, the page on Savannah seems
quite dead to me, until Jeff mentioned here his new website
(don’t ask me why he doesn’t use that old Savannah page, I am
not a big fan of SVN, actually I just got into trouble for
showing my opinions about it, but it still better than 271k lines
undocumented patches).

However, when Jeff showed up here and there apparently is still
yet some life in his work, I have switched openSUSE package to
that, and I have collected just all patches on top of Jeff’s

> The patch from 3.40 (what I started from) to the 3.41 in your
> repo is 271664 lines, although I think that a lot is generated
> files. I missed some of the earlier messages because I am also
> on a gcc mailing list, and from the subject, I thought that
> it was a gcc issue. Is gcc 14 why parent.h and child.h were
> created?

I have no idea.



http://matej.ceplovi.cz/blog/, @mcepl@floss.social
GPG Finger: 3C76 A027 CA45 AD70 98B5  BC1D 7920 5802 880B C9D8
<Overfiend> Don’t come crying to me about your “30 minute
compiles”!! I have to build X uphill both ways! In the snow! With
bare feet! And we didn’t have compilers! We had to translate the
C code to mnemonics OURSELVES!  And I was 18 before we even had

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