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[lwip-commits] C1ALI^S & LEV1T^RA : E*nlarge Your P^e^n^I^s in 1 Week!

From: Llela Cordell
Subject: [lwip-commits] C1ALI^S & LEV1T^RA : E*nlarge Your P^e^n^I^s in 1 Week!
Date: Sat, 22 May 2004 12:03:38 +0800

C-IAL1S & L-EVITRA is taken about ha1f an hour before any sexual1 ACT1VITY begins!

LEVI|TRA was the secOnd anti-i-mpotence drug a_pproved by the U.S.A food and drug a'dministration.
C1ALI'S is the third anti-i.mpotence drug to win a|pproval from the U.S.A food and drug a~dministration in the past F1VE years.

1 Want KN0W MOre




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