----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2007 3:19
Subject: [lwip-users] Example port for a
all , I have few questions on lwip-1.2.0 ( I hope I have chosen a
minimum risk version, is it a stable version)
1 . Any good example of a port thats available for
a beginenr who is trying to port lwip to ppc 83xx.
2. Can I port lwip stack without implementing
sys_arch.c at all. I mean without impelementing semaphore and mailbox
3 . Should I change or add some stuff in sys.c like
in sys_arch.c.
4. And what exactly does sys_timeouts structure in
sys.h signify ? I see that its a linked list with each node having time
value, handler and its arguments. Whats the logic behind duch design, why is
it a linked list, does it store different timers each with its own base value,
handler that fires when it hits low or a high ?. I am throughly confused about
this way of dealing with timeouts.
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