Hi Nick,
Many devices have implemented DNS proxying, like <dnsmasq>,
to provide a local domain name for the device.
On 04/08/2013 12:30 AM, Nikolas Karakotas wrote:
Thanks. I will have a look at it. I bought this netgear
wireless adapter that does this and traced the packets with
Wireshark. It was a DNS query from the PC and then a reply
from the device. 2 packets at most but I need to investigate
Sent: Sunday, April 07, 2013 9:30 PM
Subject: Re: [lwip-users] DNS query
Hi Nick,
If you connect direction a PC to the embedded system,
unless your PC is DHCP server, your board won't get an IP.
What i would use in your case is AUTOIP (this is supported
in lwip). Then, in order to address your board using DNS
names, again, if no DNS server is available on your PC, i
suggest you to have a look at multicast DNS ( this one is
not currently supported in lwip AFAIK, you'll have to
develop it).
Both of these standards are part of Zeroconf suit, you
may be interested to have a look...
Le 7 avr. 2013 à 13:08, "Nikolas Karakotas" < address@hidden>
a écrit :
This is the situation: User connects PC to
embedded system. And to access it instead of
typing in an IP the user types in a domains name.
I have setup my embedded device to use DHCP. I
would like to when a user types in a domain name
of : www.mydevice.com
the dns query should return the devices IP.
How can I map a domain name to an IP?
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