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LYNX-DEV text/html;g=0.000 (internet movie database)

From: zach
Subject: LYNX-DEV text/html;g=0.000 (internet movie database)
Date: Sat, 11 Jan 1997 21:01:13 +0100

Dear lynx developers,

maybe this bug with lynx 2.6 has been reported before.
Anyway, here goes:

I'm using lynx 2.6 on SGI under IRIX5.3.
When i try to access the "internet movie database" (,
the servers replies with a document telling me that my browsers
seems to be unable to handle html!
that same page encloses a lot of .mailcap-like text, including
"text/html;q=0.000". it explains further that the 0.000 means
that the brosers doesn't want html.

the same www page works fine with other browsers like netscape.

Still, lynx is a great browser!
I love it and use it a lot!
Keep up the good work!


Gabriel Zachmann

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| eine Hoehle, eine Spielwiese,                                    |
| und ein Morgenrot.                         (Sprichwort)          |
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