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Re: LYNX-DEV: K(eys) output re "history list" (misnamed, too)

From: David Combs
Subject: Re: LYNX-DEV: K(eys) output re "history list" (misnamed, too)
Date: Wed, 5 Feb 1997 06:26:10 -0800

> From address@hidden Tue Feb  4 20:00:33 1997
> Date: Tue, 04 Feb 1997 22:02:08 -0500 (EST)
> From: Foteos Macrides <address@hidden>
> address@hidden (David Combs) wrote:
> >[...]
> >(Although it sure would be NICE to have an emacs-like "history list"
> >of ALL the places visited in this session.  Maybe via indented list,
> >with indentation level being the then-current stack-depth.)
>       Look at:
> Lynx Version 2.7
> Help on the Visited Links Page
>                               Fote



Suggestion: The top line "You visited (x, y, z excepted)",
  maybe change to:

  Thus-far visited nodes (excludes x, y, ...).

Idea: if he saved-to-disk the PAGE, maybe show the filename
  under which it was saved.

  problem: suppose he saved the page under TWO names (save the
   later one only?).

I believe that this "idea" doesn't go with a Vlinks page, but
  rather with a later-added someday true "history" page,
  which indents (thus showing where you were WHEN you went
  to a particular node, and also avoids (for true history)
  having to show the came-from node again each time you
  RETURN (pop back) to it).

  In this "true history" page, the items would stay in
  time-sequence that they were originally done in.
  (idea: keep it not in core, but in a "dribble file" --
  merely keep appending to it.  Maybe even a permanent
  one, growing day by day.  Add a command to "flush
  buffers" (or whatever) to preserve in case of crash.)

  Use: then, you COULD say, "golly, I wish I can remember
  how I got to that neat page xyz two days ago; I should
  have bookmarked the index-page that got me there", and
  be able to go back and do it!

  In such a page (actually file), for egrepping purposes,
  prefix each line for "save to disk" with something, eg "^sd:"
  (well, indented, I guess).

  Sounds simple to implement, because no data to keep
  in core, except name of dribble-file itself.

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