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Re: LYNX-DEV v2.7 bug fix update

From: Martin Hamilton
Subject: Re: LYNX-DEV v2.7 bug fix update
Date: Fri, 14 Mar 1997 14:39:36 +0000

Duncan Hill writes:

| As far as I can tell from looking at my /etc/services file, all Lynx needs
| to access is:
| 21 - ftp
| 25 - smtp
| 70 - gopher
| 80 - web
| 119 - nntp?
| 42/53 - nameserver?

I think it might be safer to think in terms of particularly dangerous
port numbers, and make the list of ports Lynx refuses to talk to a
run-time configurable option ?

It's certainly not as simple as you suggest - e.g. the Lynx code
itself doesn't talk to nameservers, the Unix resolver library does,
and not all WWW servers run on port 80 ?



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