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lynx-dev Removing HTACL.*, HTAAFile.*: rationale

From: John Bley
Subject: lynx-dev Removing HTACL.*, HTAAFile.*: rationale
Date: Sun, 14 Mar 1999 22:13:21 -0500 (EST)

The files HTACL.{c,h} and HTAAFile.{c,h} define the following constants 
and functions: 
 HTAAFile_readList, HTAA_openAcl, HTAA_closeAcl, HTAA_getAclEntry

HTPasswd.c and HTAAServ.c #include the .h files and call a few of the 
functions, but I've already argued that they should be removed.
HTAAProt.c #includes HTAAFile.h but doesn't use anything in it.

Other than that, no files other than the set of 4 redeclares or uses any 
of these functions or constants.

It is perfectly safe to remove these four files from the distribution,
assuming that the previous set of 6 I posted is snipped, the makefile 
is changed, and HTAAProt.c is patched to not #include HTAAFile.h.

This is a 18K snip if performed.
John Bley - address@hidden
Duke '99 - English/Computer Science
  Since English is a mess, it maps well onto the problem space,
  which is also a mess, which we call reality.     - Larry Wall

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