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Re: lynx-dev new command format

From: Klaus Weide
Subject: Re: lynx-dev new command format
Date: Thu, 8 Jul 1999 13:40:31 -0500 (CDT)

On Thu, 8 Jul 1999, Philip Webb wrote:

> BTW further to the objection `no-one wants to write out long lacs',
> one assumes Lynx would recognise any unambiguous left-hand string.

One cannot just assume that; one has to program that.

>  5  current lacs would be identified with  1  letter,  30  with  2 :
>  :ra  :sh  :vl  could be easily entered, even if not key-bound;
> indeed, while we're about it, lacs might be renamed with that in mind.

That breaks compatibility with all the lynx.cfg files out there now.

As an aside, and since you agreed that less ambiguous terminology is
a good thing - the term 'renaming lynxactioncodes' is ambiguous.  It
could mean changing the LYK_SOMETHING in the code, or the "SOMETHING"
that is user-visible (now in lynx.cfg and 'K'eymap page, and with the
':' implementation you want also at the ':' prompt), or both.
Whe can say each lynxactioncode has two names[*].  One internal (the
programmer's view) on one external (the user's view).
We could use yet another term for the second, like lynxactionname.
(Or maybe just 'command name', after all.)

[*] There are some lynxactioncodes that are only meant for
internal use, they may have string names in 'revmap[]' but those
are probably not really useful.


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