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lynx-dev [PATCH 2.8.4dev.18] OS/2 cut&paste

From: Ilya Zakharevich
Subject: lynx-dev [PATCH 2.8.4dev.18] OS/2 cut&paste
Date: Wed, 14 Feb 2001 02:57:09 -0500
User-agent: Mutt/1.2.5i

Enables cut and paste on OS/2.  I put this in my keymaps:

setkey "\200\4"         LAC:DO_NOTHING:PASTE    # S-insert
setkey "^(kIC)"         LAC:DO_NOTHING:PASTE    # S-insert


--- ./src/LYGlobalDefs.h-pre-os2cut     Wed Feb 14 00:47:58 2001
+++ ./src/LYGlobalDefs.h        Wed Feb 14 02:44:18 2001
@@ -473,8 +479,11 @@ extern BOOLEAN focus_window;
 extern BOOLEAN system_is_NT;
 extern char windows_drive[4];
 extern int lynx_timeout;
-#  define CAN_CUT_AND_PASTE
 #endif /* _WINDOWS */
+#if  defined(__EMX__) || defined(WIN_EX)
+#  define CAN_CUT_AND_PASTE
 #ifdef SH_EX
 extern BOOLEAN show_cfg;
--- ./src/LYUtils.c-pre-os2cut  Wed Feb 14 00:55:26 2001
+++ ./src/LYUtils.c     Wed Feb 14 02:49:46 2001
@@ -41,6 +41,15 @@ extern int exec_command(char * cmd, int 
 #include <bios.h>
 #endif /* DJGPP_KEYHANDLER */
+#ifdef __EMX__
+#  define BOOLEAN OS2_BOOLEAN          /* Conflicts, but is used */
+#  undef HT_ERROR                      /* Conflicts too */
+#  define INCL_PM                      /* I want some PM functions.. */
+#  define INCL_DOSPROCESS              /* TIB PIB. */
+#  include <os2.h>
+#  undef BOOLEAN
 #ifdef VMS
 #include <descrip.h>
 #include <libclidef.h>
@@ -7748,6 +7757,121 @@ PUBLIC void LYsetXDisplay ARGS1(
+#ifdef __EMX__
+static int proc_type = -1;
+static PPIB pib;
+HAB hab;
+HMQ hmq;
+    PTIB tib;
+    int first = 0;
+    if (proc_type == -1) {
+       DosGetInfoBlocks(&tib, &pib);
+       proc_type = pib->pib_ultype;
+       first = 1;
+    }
+    if (pib->pib_ultype != 3)          /* 2 is VIO */
+       pib->pib_ultype = 3;            /* 3 is PM */
+    if (first)
+       hab = WinInitialize(0);
+    /* 64 messages if before OS/2 3.0, ignored otherwise */
+    hmq = WinCreateMsgQueue(hab, 64); 
+    WinCancelShutdown(hmq, 1); /* Do not inform us on shutdown */
+PRIVATE void unmorph_PM NOARGS
+    WinDestroyMsgQueue(hmq);
+    pib->pib_ultype = proc_type;
+PUBLIC int size_clip NOARGS
+    return 8192;
+/* Code partialy stolen from FED editor. */
+PUBLIC int put_clip ARGS1(char *, s)
+    int sz = strlen(s) + 1;
+    int ret = EOF, nl = 0;
+    char *pByte = 0, *s1 = s, c, *t;
+    while ((c = *s1++)) {
+       if (c == '\r' && *s1 == '\n')
+           s1++;
+       else if (c == '\n')
+           nl++;
+    }
+    if (DosAllocSharedMem((PPVOID)&pByte, 0, sz + nl,
+                         PAG_WRITE | PAG_COMMIT | OBJ_GIVEABLE | OBJ_GETTABLE))
+       return ret;
+    if (!nl)
+       memcpy(pByte, s, sz);
+    else {
+       t = pByte;
+       while ((c = *t++ = *s++))
+           if (c == '\n' && (t == pByte + 1 || t[-2] != '\r'))
+               t[-1] = '\r', *t++ = '\n';
+    }
+    morph_PM();
+    if(!hab) {
+      fail:
+       DosFreeMem((PPVOID)&pByte);
+        return ret;
+    }
+    WinOpenClipbrd(hab);
+    WinEmptyClipbrd(hab);
+    if (!WinSetClipbrdData(hab, (ULONG) pByte, CF_TEXT, CFI_POINTER))
+       ret = 0;
+    WinCloseClipbrd(hab);
+    unmorph_PM();
+    if (ret != 0)
+        goto fail;
+    return 0;
+PUBLIC int get_clip ARGS2(char *, szBuffer, int, size)
+    char *ClipData;
+    ULONG ulFormat;
+    int sz;
+    int ret = 0;
+    if(!size)
+        return 0;
+    morph_PM();
+    if(!hab)
+        return 0;
+    WinQueryClipbrdFmtInfo(hab, CF_TEXT, &ulFormat);
+    if(ulFormat != CFI_POINTER)
+        goto finish;
+    WinOpenClipbrd(hab);
+    ClipData = (char *)WinQueryClipbrdData(hab, CF_TEXT);
+    sz = strlen(ClipData);
+    if(!ClipData || sz >= size)
+        goto fail;
+    memcpy(szBuffer, ClipData, sz + 1);
+    ret = sz;
+  fail:
+    WinCloseClipbrd(hab);
+  finish:
+    unmorph_PM();
+    return ret;
 #if defined(WIN_EX)    /* 1997/10/16 (Thu) 20:13:28 */
--- ./src/LYUtils.h-pre-os2cut  Wed Feb 14 00:31:36 2001
+++ ./src/LYUtils.h     Wed Feb 14 01:22:28 2001
@@ -177,6 +177,11 @@ extern void LYUIPages_free NOPARAMS;
 extern int put_clip(char *szBuffer);
 extern int get_clip(char *szBuffer, int size);
+#  ifdef WIN_EX
+#    define size_clip()        8192
+#  else
+extern int size_clip();
+#  endif
 #if defined(WIN_EX)    /* 1997/10/16 (Thu) 20:13:28 */

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